Model: 2009bestofhwasamidvd
HWA DVD Best Of Sami Callihan "His Name Was SAMI"
1. Sami Callihan vs. Nigel McGuinness
2. Sami Callihan vs. Nigel McGuinness
3. Sami Callihan vs. Jon Moxley
4. Sami Callihan vs. Tarek The Great
5. Sami Callihan vs. Matt Stryker
6. Sami Callihan vs. Chad Collyer
7. Sami Callihan..
Model: 2009bestofiwaecvol1dvd
IWA East Coast DVD "Best Of Volume 1"
This is a 3 disc, 30 = match compilation that highlights the best matches from IWA East Coast featuring Mad Man Pondo, Necro Butcher, Brain Damage and many others.
1. Tables Match: Ryuji Ito vs Mad Man Pondo (10/5/04)
2. Ruckus vs. El Drunko (3/15/05)
Model: 2009bestofjonmoxleydvd
HWA DVD "Young Angry Poor Dangerous Best Of Jon Moxley"
1. Jon Moxley vs. TJ Dalton
2. Jon Moxley vs. Nigel McGuinness
3. Jon Moxley vs. Dave Crist
4. Jon Moxley vs. Ro'Z
5. Jon Moxley vs. Pepper Parks
6. Jon Moxley vs. Matt Stryker
7. Jon Moxley vs. Chris Carnage
8. Jon Moxl..
Model: 2009bestofnigelhwadvd
HWA DVD Best Of Nigel McGuinness "God Save The King"
1. Nigel McGuinness vs. Chad Collyer (previously unreleased)
2. Nigel McGuinness & Hoss vs. HWA Icons
3. Nigel McGuinness vs. Rory Fox
4. Nigel McGuinness vs. "Bad Seed" Shaun Osbourne
5. Nigel's Concession Stand Confrontation
Model: 2009bestofthumbtackjackdvd
Thumbtack Jack DVD "He's So Sick ..."
This 3 disc compilation consists of some of the most brutal death match wrestling there ever is. Also, it shows Thumbtack Jacks career path from being a 15 year old to becoming the worldwide known death match wrestler he is today.
It is all in there, fro..
Model: 2009hwadvd
HWA DVD "Attack Of The Gimmick Matches" - Vol. 1
1. TLC Match: Irish Airborne vs. HWA Icons vs. Black Militia vs. A+ Squad
2. Iron Man Match: BJ Whitmer vs. Matt Stryker
3. Hardcore Match: Ben Kimera vs. Dustin Lee
4. Leather, Whips & Chains: Nevaeh vs. Heather Owens
5. Parking Lo..
Model: 20100531acwdvd
ACW DVD Best Of Mike Dell Vol. 3 "By Hook Or By Crook"
This DVD compilation from ACW features 14 matches with ACW mainstay Mike Dell against such opponents as Paul London, Colt Cabana, Masada, Jimmy Jacobs and many others.
1. Mike Dell vs. Scot Summers - 1/18/09
2. Mike Dell vs. Shawn Vexx ..
Model: 20100601acwdvd
ACW DVD Best Of Jessica James "So ...UMMM... This Is My DVD!"
This DVD compilation comes from ACW and features 8 of their best matches featuring Jessica James.
1. James, Blue & Del Solis vs. Haze, Summerlyn & Icee
2. Jessica James vs. Rachel Summerlyn
3. Jessica James vs. Rain
Model: 20100601clashdvd
CLASH Wrestling DVD "Mix Tape: Volume #1 DVD"
1. H3RD, Kreed, Hatfield & Frightmare vs. Osirian Portal, Skyy, GQ & Elkins
2. Mena Libra vs. Mia Martinez
3. Dave Manzo vs. Wreckingball
4. J. Miller & Rave Killbourn vs. Tommy Treznik & GQ
5. Nevaeh vs. Mena Libra
6. T..
Model: 20100730bjwdvd
1. Fluorescent Lighttubes & Double Board Death (3-26-2009): Isami Kodaka & Masashi Takeda vs. Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto
2. Fluorescent Lighttubes Tower Death Match (05-28-2009): Isami Kodaka & Masashi Takeda vs. Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto
3. Iron Cage Of Hell..
Model: 20100731bjwdvd
BJW DVD "The Best Yuko Miyamoto''
1. Prelude
2. No-Rope Barbed Wire: Miyamoto vs. Numazawa
3. No-Rope Flaming Barbed Wire: Miyamoto vs. Kobayashi
4. Fans Bring the Weapons: Miyamoto vs. Ito
5. Chain Match: Miyamoto vs. Kasai
6. Barbed Wire Boards: Miyamoto vs. Kanemura
7. Lights..
Model: 20100829acwdvd
ACW DVD The Best Of Athena "Wrestling Goddess"
1. Athena & Erin Star vs. RAJETT
2. Athena vs. Jessica James
3. Athena vs. Rachel Summerlyn
4. Athena vs. Lillie Mae vs. Rachel Summerlyn
5. Athena vs. Lillie Mae vs. Davey Vega vs. Rachel Summerlyn
6. Athena vs. MsChif
7. Bonus..