Model: 20200301pwomp4
The year is 2001 and the wrestling business has changed drastically. There is only one national wrestling promotion left in existence and, without competing promotions to scout established talent in, a developmental system is formed to groom the next generation’s superstars.
Footage, stories, and..
Model: 20210320pwomp4
Our journey into pro wrestling's biggest developmental system continues, as we uncover more hidden gems and rare classics previously thought lost to time presented to you in their last surviving form! Dozens of young hopefuls and established veterans alike fight to survive in the midst of a rapidly ..
Model: 20150815filsingermp4
1. Colin Delaney vs. Dalton Castle
2. Jade vs. Madison Rayne
3. Olde Wrestling Showcase: Felino de Rojo, Gregory Iron & Marion Fontaine vs. Judge Hugo, Rep. Volstead & Sen. Sheppard
4. Mad Man Pondo & OI4K vs. Nation of Intoxication
5. Brittany Blake & Leva Bates vs. Mary Do..
Model: 20151101xwamp4
1. Delirious vs. Tommaso Ciampa
2. Bob Evans & Tim Hughes vs. Milk Chocolate (Brandon Watts & Randy Summers)
3. ACH vs. AR Fox vs. David Starr
4. Donovan Dijak vs. Paul London
5. Matt Cross & Shane Strickland vs. Team Tremendous
6. Ladder match: Brick Mastone vs. Devin Blaze vs. Lio..
Model: 20141025xwamp4
1. Anthony Stone vs. AR Fox
2. Anthony Greene vs. Christian Cassanova
3. XWA Championship #1 Contender match: Brian Fury vs. Jason Blade
4. David Starr vs. Pepper Parks
5. Anthony Cortez Haynes vs. Kimber Lee
6. Amazing Red vs. Shane Strickland
7. Biff Busick vs. Uhaa Nation
8. Johnny Gargano..
Model: 20210404zonamp4
1. Impulso vs. Osiris
2. Cyber Punk vs. Amnesia vs. Venganza vs. Fulgor I
3. León Rojo, Perico, Super Boy, & Ovett Jr vs. Epitafio, Rudy Garduño, Dement Extreme & Sepulturero
4. Fly Star vs. Ciclope vs. Miedo Extremo vs. Lunatik Extreme
5. Drako & Cosario Negro Jr vs. Venom &..
Model: 20200809zonamp4
1. Leviatham and Epitafio vs. Osiris and Amenaza
2. Drako vs. Lunatik Extrem
3. Demoledor vs. Terremoto
4. Sadik Maiden vs. Guerrera Negra
5. Ovett vs. Corsario Negro Jr.
6. Demus vs. Impulso..
Model: 20191208zonamp4
1. Yakuza vs. Juventud Aerea vs. Toto
2. Osiris & Venganza vs. Diablo & Esfinge vs. Rhinox & Dextroy
3. Impulso vs. Leviatham
4, Heroina vs. Sadik Maiden vs. Sadica
5. Demus vs. Dement Extrem vs. Fly Star vs. Lunatik Xtrem
6. Luchas De Apuestas: Porros vs. Diabolicos ..
Model: 20200123zonamp4
1. Impulso vs. Ovett vs. Aeroboy vs. Lunatik Extrem
2. Osiris vs. Ovett Jr vs. Fly Star
3. Dement Xtrem vs. Epitafio vs. Leviatham
4. Terremoto vs. Toxico vs. Ultimo Gladiador vs. Demoledor
5. Non Tournament: Miedo Extremo vs. Ciclope
6. Tournament Final: Dement Xtrem vs. Terremoto vs. Impulso ..
Model: 20200315zonamp4
1. Sadik Maiden vs. Guerrera Negra
2. Lunatik Fly vs. Lunatik Extreme
3. Joe Líder vs Super Mega vs. Ultimo Gladiador
4. Pirata Morgan-Super Crazy-Toxico vs. Hysteria-Psicosis-Dement Xtrem
5. Eliminatoria de cachetadas
6. Cíclope vs. Aeroboy
7. Fly Star vs. Miedo Extremo
8. Matt..
Model: 20200920zonamp4
1. Battle Royal
2. Crazy King vs. Luntik Extreme
3. Leviathan vs. Epitafio vs. Dement Extreme vs. Fulgor
4. Joe Lider vs. Super Mega
5. Miedo Extremo vs. Ciclope..