Model: 20161201aiwdvd
1. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Rickey Shane Page (Gauntlet for the Gold 10 - 3/20/15)
2. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Cheech (JLIT 2015 Night 1 - 5/22/15)
3. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Louis Lyndon (JLIT 2015 Night 2 - 5/23/15)
4. Doug Gilbert vs. BJ Whitmer (JLIT 2015 Night 1 - 5/22/15)
5. Tracy Smothers vs. Cliff Compto..
Model: 20161202aiwdvd
1. Johnny Gargano vs. Chris Sabin (JLIT 2014 Night 2 - 5/24/14)
2. Johnny Gargano vs. Matt Cross (Hell on Earth 10 - 11/28/14)
3. Johnny Gargano vs. Ethan Carter III (Make Em Say Uhh - 4/24/15)
4. Johnny Gargano vs. Samoa Joe (JLIT 2015 Night 2 - 5/23/15)
5. Johnny Gargano, Alex Daniels,..
Model: 20161229smashdvd
1. Sit down interview with Brent Banks & Scotty O'Shea
2. Ambulance Match with commentary by Brent & Scotty
3. Alex Vega & Brent Banks vs. Scotty O'Shea & Tyson Dux (6/8/14 - Rival Schools 2014)
4. Brent Banks vs. Pepper Parks vs. Scotty O'Shea (7/20/14 - Smashapalooza)
5. Fans B..
Model: 20161230smashdvd
1. Courtney Rush & Vanessa Kraven vs. The Kimber Bombs (8/23/15 - Super Showdown III)
2. Courtney Rush vs. Jessicka Havok (9/13/15 - CanUsa Classic 2015)
3. Courtney Rush vs. KC Spinelli (11/7/15 - 3rd Anniversary Show)
4. Highlights: Candice LeRae vs. Courtney Rush vs. Leah Vaughan
5. Court..
Model: 20161231c4dvd
Disc 1:
1. Buxx Belmar vs. Chuck Taylor (Maximum Overdrive - 3/15/14)
2. Banks & Rukin vs. Super Smash Brothers vs. Tabarnak de Team vs. The Throwbacks (Maximum Overdrive - 3/15/14)
3. Super Smash Brothers vs. The Warriors (The Warriors - 5/3/14)
4. Biff Busick vs. Mike Bai..
Model: 20161231freelancedvd
1. Mustafa Ali vs. Isaias Velazquez (Fresh Poison - 1/8/16)
2. Mustafa Ali vs. Ethan Page (The Scene is Dead, Long Live the Scene - 2/5/16)
3. Mustafa Ali vs. Brubaker (Beautiful Disaster - 3/11/16)
4. Mustafa Ali vs. Masked Character (Feelmonger - 5/6/16)
5. Mustafa Ali vs. Alex Ohlson vs. Brub..
Model: 20161231iwamsdvd
Welcome to Deep Cuts Volume 1. We've scoured the IWA Mid-South libraries for the unheard of matches. Everyone's got King of the Death Matches in their collections. But how many shows do you have with just a date and Charlestown, Indiana on them? That's the source of these matches.
Watch the evolu..
Model: 20161231smashdvd
1. Johnny Gargano vs. Sami Callihan (1/16/16 - Smash vs. CZW)
2. Chris Hero & Eddie Edwards vs. Super Smash Brothers vs. Tabarnak de Team vs. Well Oiled Machines (2/20/16 - F8teful Eight)
3. Candice LeRae vs. Kimber Lee (7/24/16 - Smash vs. Chikara)
4. Icarus vs. Johnny Gargano (7/24/16 - Sma..
Model: 2016bestofathenadvd
1. Interview - 80 Minutes
2. Athena vs. Jessica James - ACW 11/6/10
3. 10,000 Thumbtacks: Athena vs. Rachel Summerlyn - ACW 1/15/11
4 Athena vs. Kimber Lee - WSU 4/28/12
5. Athena vs. Christina Von Eerie - ACW 6/24/12
6. Athena vs. Jessicka Havo..
Model: 2016bestofethanpagedvd
1. Interview - 105 Minutes
2. Ethan Page vs. Sterling James Keenan (VPW "Summer Bash 2" 8/16/08)
3. Ethan Page vs. Teddy Stigma (VPW "We Live for This" 2/20/09)
4. Ethan Page vs. Michael Elgin (IWA Mid-South "Benefit for Acid Jazz" 6/7/09)
5. Ethan Page vs. Adam Cole vs. Chris Dickinso..
Model: 2016bestofhooligansdvd
1. Interview: 110 Minutes
2. The Hooligans vs. Sami Callihan & Michael Elgin - IWA Mid-South 5/2/09
3. The Hooligans vs. Matt Cage & Alex Castle vs. Eric Ryan & Davey Vega - St. Louis Anarchy / Beyond Wrestling 6/16/12
4. The Hooligans vs. Necro Butcher & Masada &n..
Model: 2016matttremontshootdvd
This 7+ hour sit down interview hosted by Dean Dixon is the most in depth interview "The Bulldozer" has ever done. Matt talks about his entire life up to the present point in time. A legacy of violence is discussed - along with the passing of his father, meeting and the relationship ..