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Best On The Indies DVD

Arik Cannon DVD "The Anarchist: The Arik Cannon Story"
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Model: 2008bestofarikcannondvd
Arik Cannon DVD "The Anarchist: The Arik Cannon Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Arik Cannon with a 3 disc set which includes a 100+ minute interview and over 15 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. Arik Cannon vs "Kaos" Cody ONeill (IWA-MS 7/..
B-Boy DVD "The Best of the New Age Punisher B-Boy"
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Model: 2008bestofbboydvd
B-Boy DVD "The Best of the New Age Punisher B-Boy" This 3 disc release features select matches from the SMV catalog by B-Boy from his extensive career. 1. B-Boy vs. Super Dragon (CZW 6/8/02) 2. B-Boy vs. "Sick" Nick Mondo (GSCW 7/20/02) 3. B-Boy & Super Dragon vs. Bobby Quance & Ja..
Chuck Taylor DVD "Tries His Hardest: The Chuck Taylor Story"
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Model: 2008bestofchucktaylordvd
Chuck Taylor DVD "Tries His Hardest: The Chuck Taylor Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Chuck Taylor with a 3 disc set which includes a 40 minute interview and 25 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. Chuck Taylor & Ricochet vs. ..
Claudio Castagnoli DVD "HEY: The Claudio Castagnoli Story"
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Model: 2008bestofclaudiodvd
  Claudio Castagnoli DVD "HEY: The Claudio Castagnoli Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Claudio Castagnoli with a 3 disc set which includes a 85 minute interview and 20 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Robbi..
Danny Daniels DVD "Against All Odds: The Danny Daniels Story"
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Model: 2008bestofdannydanielsdvd
Danny Daniels DVD "Against All Odds: The Danny Daniels Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Danny Daniels with a 3 disc set which includes a 100+ minute interview and over 15 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. Danny Daniels vs. Chris Sabin (IWA-MS..
Danny Havoc DVD "Firm But Gentle: The Danny Havoc Story"
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Model: 2008bestofdannyhavocdvd
Danny Havoc DVD "Firm But Gentle: The Danny Havoc Story" Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series returns with "Firm but Gentle: The Danny Havoc story". The 2 disc set consists of an extended 45 minute interview with Danny Havoc and over 3 hours of his most brutal matches he ha..
Delirious DVD "Edge Of Sanity: The Delirious Story"
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Model: 2008bestofdeliriousdvd
Delirious DVD "Edge Of Sanity: The Delirious Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Delirious with a 3 disc set which includes his longest known interview (25 minutes) and over 20 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. Arik Cannon vs. Delirious (IWA-M..
Drake Younger DVD "The Psycho Shooter: The Drake Younger Story"
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Model: 2008bestofdrakevol1dvd
  Drake Younger DVD "The Psycho Shooter: The Drake Younger Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Drake Younger. "The Psycho Shooter: The Drake Younger Story" is a 3 disc set which includes a 60 minute interview and 25 of his best and most brutal ..
Eddie Kingston DVD "Last Of A Dying Breed: The Eddie Kingston Story"
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Model: 2008bestofeddiekingstondvd
Eddie Kingston DVD "Last Of A Dying Breed: The Eddie Kingston Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Eddie Kingston with a 3 disc set which includes an 60+ minute interview and over 20 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. The Wild Cards & Jigsaw v..
Jimmy Jacobs DVD "From Parts Unknown To Revolution Avenue: The Jimmy Jacobs Story"
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Model: 2008bestofjimmyjacobsdvd
Jimmy Jacobs DVD "From Parts Unknown To Revolution Avenue: The Jimmy Jacobs Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Jimmy Jacobs with a 3 disc set which includes a 40 minute interview and over 20 of his best matches. 1. Interview 2. 2 ou..
Mickie Knuckles DVD "A Redneck Woman: The Mickie Knuckles Story"
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Model: 2008bestofmickieknucklesdvd
Mickie Knuckles DVD "A Redneck Woman: The Mickie Knuckles Story" This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Mickie Knuckles with a 3 disc set which includes a 90+ minute interview and over 20 of her best matches. 1. Interview 2. Mickie Knuckles vs. Hailey Hatred..
Necro Butcher DVD "Choose Death: The Necro Butcher Story Volume 1"
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Model: 2008bestofnecrovol1dvd
  Necro Butcher DVD "Choose Death: The Necro Butcher Story" Vol. 1 This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features Necro Butcher which is released as a two volume set, each volume is a 3 disc set. Volume 1 includes a 2 hour interview and over 15 of his best m..
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