Model: 2012bestofnecrovol3dvd
Necro Butcher DVD "Choose Death: The Necro Butcher Story" Vol. 3
This 3 disc release features a 3+ hour interview and 13 of Necro Butcher's best matches.
1. 3+ Hour Interview (This interview was conducted in 2011)
2. Fans Bring The Weapons: Danny Havoc vs. Necro Butcher vs. Insane Lane - IWA-..
Model: 2012bestofpinkiesanchezdvd
Best Of Pinkie Sanchez "Sexual Spider Monkey"
1. 4+ Hour Interview
2. Aerial Assault Match: featuring Pinkie Sanchez, Chuck Taylor, Ricochet, Ryan McBride & Spyral - CZW 2/9/08
3. Sky's The Limit Ladder Match: Pinkie Sanchez vs. Dan Paysan vs. Quick Carter ..
Model: 2012bestofultramantisblackdvd
UltraMantis DVD "Strangeways, Here We Come: The UltraMantis Black Adventure"
This 3 disc release features a 150+ minute interview and over 15 of UltraMantis Black's best matches, plus additional hidden features!
1. Interview
2. UltraMantis vs. Mr. Z..
Model: 2012braindamagedvd
All proceeds of this 3 disc DVD will go to the family of Brain Damage. This DVD also includes a dozen of his best matches from his career and interviews with various wrestlers.
November 10, 2012 "Brain Damage Tribute Show"
1. Adam Cole vs. AR Fox
2. The Crist Broth..
Model: 2013bestofachdvd
1. Interview - 180 Minutes
2. ACH vs. Akira Tozawa - ACW 10/10/10
3. ACH vs. Gregory Symonds - ACW 1/16/11
4. ACH vs. Gary Jay - AIW - 5/20/11
5. ACH vs. Gary Jay - St. Louis Anarchy 7/9/11
6. ACH vs. AR Fox - AIW 4/6/12
7. ACH vs. Davey Vega - AIW 5/11/12
8. ACH ..
Model: 2013bestofdannyhavocvol3dvd
1. Interview - 270 Minutes
2. Lighttube Bundles Death Match: Danny Havoc vs. tHURTeen - CZW 10/16/10
3. Danny Havoc vs.Jon Moxley - CZW 11/6/10
4. Ragnarok'N'Roll Glass Crush Death Match: Danny Havoc vs. Jun Kasai - CZW - 4/9/11
5. Gusset Plates: Danny Havoc vs. MASADA - CZW 7/..
Model: 2013bestofeddiekingstonvol2dvd
1. Interview - 210 Minutes
2. Eddie Kingston vs. Homicide vs. Teddy Hart - JAPW 1/19/08
3. Eddie Kingston vs. Too Cold Scorpio - IWA-MS 3/1/08
4. Eddie Kingston vs. Sami Callihan - IWA-MS 9/27/08
5. No Rope Barber Wire: Eddie Kingston vs. Drake Younger - CZW 2/14/09
Model: 2013bestofmonstermafiadvd
1. 75 minute interview
2. Ethan Page vs. Eric Ryan (AIW- Girls Night Out 6- 4/15/12)
3. Ethan Page vs Josh Alexander (National Pro Wrestling Day- 2/2/13)
4. Monster Mafia vs. Frankie the Mobster & Twiggy (BattleWar- 8- 3/3/13)
5. Josh Alexander vs Fire Ant (Alpha 1- Rehab- 4/20/13)
6. ..
Model: 2013bestofrobertanthonydvd
This 4 disc releases features a 5 hour internvew and a dozen of Ego's best matches.
1. Interview - 300 Minutes
2. Egotistico Fantastico vs. Frankie Kazarian - 3XW 10/29/05
3. Egotistico Fantastico vs. Jayson Quick - IWA-MS 4/12/08
4. Egotistico Fantastico vs. Michael Elgin - IWA-MS 7/6/0..
Model: 2013bestofsamicallihandvd
1. 260+ Minute Interview
2. Sami Callihan vs. Kyle O'Reilly - IPW 1/1/11
3. Sami Callihan vs. Yoshihito Sasaki - wXw 3/12/11
4. Sami Callihan vs. Daisuke Sekimoto - CZW 4/9/11
5. Sami Callihan vs. Jake Crist - HWA 4/23/11
6. Sami Callihan vs. El Generico - wXw 9/30/11
Model: 20140101smvdvd
What do you get when you take a legend, a controversial veteran, an out of control madman, and a member of the next generation of indy stars, all from New York City, and put them in a roundtable to discuss their memories of The New York and New Jersey indy wrestling scene over the last two..
Model: 2014bestofmichaelelgindvd
Signed Poster with this release for an additional $5.00
1. Interview - 130 Minutes
2. Michael Elgin vs. 2 Cold Scorpio - IWA-MS 12/7/07
3. Michael Elgin vs. Claudio Castagnoli - IWA-MS 5/2/08
4. Michael Elgin vs. bobby Fish - IWA-MS 8/16/08
5. Michael Elgin vs. Ricochet - IWA-MS 9/2..