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Episode 1:
1. Ric Blade vs Trent Acid vs Reckless Youth
2. Tajiri vs Justice Pain
3. Mark Briscoe vs Jay Briscoe
4. The S.A.T vs Divine Storm & Brian XL
5. Wifebeater vs Nate Hatred vs Mad Man Pondo vs Lobo vs Lord Everett Devore
Episode 2:
1. Super Crazy vs Sick Nick Mondo vs Ric Blade
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Episode 3:
- Reckless Youth vs Minoru Fujita
- Nate Hatred & Nick Gage vs The Briscoe Brothers
- Adam Flash, Danny Rose & Jeff Rocker vs Ruckus, Jon Dahmer & Fast Eddie Valentine
- Justice Pain vs Ric Blade vs Nick Gage vs Lobo
- Wifebeater vs Zandig - Exclusive footage from Mexico ..
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Episode 5: 1. VD vs The Rachies 2. Quiet Storm vs Joel Maximo 3. The Briscoe Brothers vs Nick Gage & Nate Hatred Episode6: 1. Divine Storm & Brian XL vs The S.A.T 2. Nate Hatred & Nick Gage vs The Briscoe Brothers 3. Zandig, Wifebeater & Sick Nick Mondo vs Justice Pain & Backseat..
Model: 004czwtv
Episode 7: 1. Reckless Youth vs Minoru Fujita - Gauntlet Match 2. Ruckus vs Quiet Storm vs Red 3. Briscoe Brothers vs Justice Pain & Johnny Kashmere Episode 8: 1. VD vs The Rachies vs Softcore Connection 2. Trent Acid vs Juventud Guerrera 3. Sick Nick Mondo vs Nick Gage..
Model: 005czwtv
Episode 9: - Jeff Rocker vs Barr Camm - Ty Street vs Ruckus - VD vs The Rachies vs The Briscoe Brothers Episode 10: - The Rachies vs The Briscoe Brothers - VD vs The Softcore Connection - Jay Briscoe & Ruckus vs VD..
Model: 006czwtv
Episode 11: - Trent Acid vs Ruckus vs Johnny Kashmere - Divine Storm vs Towel Boy & Hurricane Kid - Nick Gage vs Sick Nick Mondo vs Nick Berk Episode 12: - The Rachies vs Ty Street & Jeff Rocker - brief highlights of Softcore Connection vs Divine Storm - Zandig & Sick Nick Mondo vs Nate ..
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Episode 13: - Backseat Boyz vs VD - Justice Pain vs Jay Briscoe Episode 14: - Doomsday Danny Rose vs Adam Flash - Trent Acid vs Ruckus..
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Episode 15: - VD vs Divine Storm vs Softcore Connection - Nick Gage & Nate Hatred vs Sick Nick Mondo & Z-Barr - Ultraviolent Tables Match Episode 16: - Towel Boy vs Hurricane Kid - Justice Pain & Johnny Kashmere vs Wifebeater & Jay Briscoe..
Model: 009czwtv
CZW Fake You TV Episodes 17 - 18
Episode 17:
- Nick Mondo & Softcore Connection in-ring confrontation
- Ian Knoxx & Chris Stylz vs Chri$ Ca$h & GQ
- "Sick" Nick Mondo vs Nick Berk
Episode 18:
- Jeff Rocker & Quiet Storm vs Softcore Connection (Z-Barr & Ty Street)
- "Toug..
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Episode 19: - Nick Gage vs Jay Briscoe - Backseat Boyz vs VD Episode 20: - Menace vs Chri$ Ca$h - Ruckus vs Quiet Storm..
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Episode 21: - interviews and highlights with many key participants on the Cage of Death 3 show. - The Backseat Boyz vs The Briscoe Brothers vs Nick Gage & Nate Hatred - features the return to CZW of The S.A.T. Episode 22: - Nick Berk & Z-Barr vs Chris Stylz & Ian Knoxx - The S.A.T. (RED,..
Model: 012czwtv
Episode 23: - VD vs Bad Crew - highlights of the feud between Zandig and Lobo w/ Glen Osbourne - Jay Briscoe vs Mark Briscoe Episode 24: - VD vs GQ & Chri$ Ca$h vs Ian Knoxx & Chris Stylz - Wifebeater vs Justice Pain - Cage of Death..