Model: 20200815joshcranedvd
On August 15 2020, we caught up with Josh Crane for a career retrospective shoot interview. Topics covered include:
How did you discover the school you went to and what was training like
Thoughts on working for D1W, IPW, School of Roc: Class Wars and Beyond Wrestling
Working in the EPW Har..
Model: 20220601bestericryanddydvd
This is a 3 disc release.
1. 110 Minute Interview
2. Eric Ryan vs. Ethan Page: AIW 4/15/12
3. Eric Ryan vs. Rickey Shane Page: AIW 5/12/12
4. Eric Ryan vs. Davey Vega: AIW 3/29/13
5. Eric Ryan vs. Chris Sabin: AIW 11/28/14
6. Eric Ryan & Luck..