Model: 20120818chikaradvd
1. combatANT, deviANT & Soldier Ant vs. The Batiri
2. Saturyne vs. Tim Donst
3. The Mysterious & Handsome Stranger vs. Lancelot Bravado
4. Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw vs. 17 & The Shard
5. UltraMantis Black & Frightmare vs. Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin
Model: 20120914chikaradvd
1. The Colony (Green Ant, Fire Ant & assailANT) vs. Sendai Girls (Meiko Satomura, Dash Chisako & Sendai Sachiko)
2. The Batiri (Obariyon, Kodama & Kobald) vs. 3.0 & Akuma
3. Osaka Pro (Kikutaro, Ebessan & Takoyak..
Model: 20120915chikaradvd
1. Quarter Final Match 1
2. Mr. Touchdown vs. 1-2-3 Kid
3. Quarter Final Match 2
4. Fire Ant & Green Ant vs. Ebessan & Takoyakida
5. Quarter Final Match 3
6. Sugar Dunkerton vs. Tatanka
7. Quarter Final Match 4
Model: 20120916chikaradvd
1. Semi-Final Match 1
2. Semi-Final Match 2
3. Saturyne vs. Ophidian
4. Tag Team Gauntlet (10 Teams)
5. Colt Cabana, Swamp Monster, Darkness Crabtree & Yohnel Sanders vs. 3.0, Ebessan & Takoyakida
6. Commando Boishoi &..
Model: 20121006chikaradvd
1. Gavin Sings
2. Ace Haven vs. Kyle Matthews
3. Ophidian & The Batiri vs. F.I.S.T. & Sugar Dunkerton
4. Saturyne vs. Soldier Ant
5. Kobald vs. Frightmare
6. DeviANT vs. Mysterious Handsome Stranger
7. Tim Donst & Jakob Hammermeier vs. Fire Ant & AssailANT..
Model: 20121007chikaradvd
1. Gavin Sings
2. Bravado Brothers vs. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mr. Touchdown)
3. Ophidian vs. Gran Akuma
4. Amber O'Neal vs. Saturyne
5. Mysterious Handsome Stranger vs. Walter Eaton
6. Tim Donst & Jakob Hammermeier vs. Soldier Ant & DeviANT
7. Assai..
Model: 20121110chikaradvd
1. Da Soul Touchaz vs. The Batiri
2. Devastation Corporation vs. Wayne Campbell & Garth Algar
3. El Generico vs. The Shard
4. F.I.S.T. (Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor) vs. Soldier Ant & deviANT
5. Mike Quackenbush vs. Colt Cabana
6. Jigsaw, Fire Ant & assailANT vs. The ..
Model: 20121111chikaradvd
1. UltraMantis Black, Hallowicked, Fire Ant & assailANT vs. The Batiri & Ophidian
2. Devastation Corporation vs. Roger Dorn & Rich Vaughn
3. Soldier Ant vs. Jakob Hammermeirer
4. Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw vs. The Shard & deviANT
5. The Mysterious & Handsome Strang..
Model: 20121118chikaradvd
1. Mark Angelosetti vs. Soldier Ant
2. The Shard vs. Fire Ant
3. Icarus vs. Dasher Hatfield
4. The Heart Throbs vs. The 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty
5. Torneo Cibernetico: Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs, The Bravado Brothers, The Briscoe Brothers & The Young Bucks vs. Eddie Ki..
Model: 20121202chikaradvd
1. F.I.S.T. (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) vs. 3.0
2. Icarus vs. Dasher Hatfield
3. Jigsaw, The Shard, Soldier Ant & deviANT vs. Mike Quackenbush, Fire Ant, Green Ant & assailANT
4. Mr. Touchdown vs. ACH
5. Delirious, Ophidian & The Batiri vs. UltraMantis Black..
Model: 20121231chikaradvd
1. Green Ant vs. Mike Quackenbush (1.28.12)
2. F.I.S.T. vs. 3.0 (3.24.12)
3. Archibald Peck vs. Chuck Taylor (3.25.12)
4. Brodie Lee vs. Eddie Kingston (3.25.12)
5. El Generico vs. Sara Del Rey (4.28.12)
6. Meiko Satomura vs. Sara Del Rey (5.20.12)
7. Eddie Kingston vs. J..
Model: 20130202npwddvd
1. The Briscoe Brothers vs. S.C.U.M. (Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino) (Ring Of Honor)
2. Juan Francisco de Coronado vs. Saturyne (Wrestling Is Fun!)
3. Tommy Dreamer & Hale Collins vs. Vik Dalisush & Ben Ortiz (House Of Hardcore)
4. Ethan Page ..