Model: 20011110czwdvd
CZW DVD Sept. 22 & Nov. 10, 2001
This DVD release features two complete CZW shows. Each show has been remastered for DVD release. The shows for this DVD release are "They Said It Couldnt Be Done... Again" from 9/22/01 & "Showdown In Sewell" from 11/10/01. Both shows are shot with two camera..
Model: 20011215czwdvd
Combat Zone Wrestling DVD "Cage of Death 3"
CZWs first ever show in the ECW Arena in front of a record crowd of over 1300 people is now available on this 2 disc DVD set.
1. Ty Street vs Ty Street?
2. Nick Gage & Nate Hatred vs The Midnight Outlawz
3. Samir vs Joey Corman vs Brad Mich..
Model: 20020112czwdvd
CZW DVD Jan. 12, 2002 "Answering The Challenge" - Philadelphia, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. The Softcore Connection (Z-Barr, Nick Berk & Ty Street) vs Brian XL, Chris Devine & Quiet Storm
2. Chri$ Ca$h v..
Model: 20020209czwdvd
CZW DVD Feb. 9, 2002 "This Time It`s Personal" - Philadelphia, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. GQ vs Chri$ Ca$h
2. The Midnight Outlaws vs Ian Knoxx & Chris Stylz
3. Quiet Storm vs Nick Berk
4. The Rachies (Ad..
Model: 20020309czwdvd
CZW DVD March 9, 2002 "Out With The Old, In With The New" - Philadelphia, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. Towel Boy vs Hurricane Kid
2. Z-Barr vs. Chris Stylz vs. Barr Camm
3. Chri$ Ca$h vs. GQ - No Countout
4. Ni..
Model: 20020413czwdvd
CZW DVD April 13, 2002 "A Higher Level Of Pain" - Philadelphia, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. Trent Acid vs. Nick Berk
2. VD vs. The Softcore Connection vs. Chri$ Ca$h & GQ vs. Ian Knoxx & Chris Stylz
3. ..
Model: 20020427czwdvd
CZW DVD April 27, 2002 "Process Of Elimination" - West Chester, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. Menace vs. Loco vs. Jason Extreme
2. VD & Ian Knoxx vs. Rockin Rebel, GQ & Chri$ Ca$h
3. Z-Barr vs. Nick Berk ..
Model: 20020511czwdvd
CZW DVD May 11, 2002 "High Stakes" - Philadelphia, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. Towel Boy & Hurricane Kid vs Rockin Rebel & Greg "Tough Enough" Matthews
2. Ruckus vs "High Impact" Derek Frazier
3. Chris ..
Model: 20020608czwdvd
This 2 disc DVD and is packaged in a DVD case with coverart.
This show features CZWs annual junior heavyweight tournament featuring 12 of the top junior heavyweights from around the world. A great show from top to bottom and if you liked last years tournament, you'll love this one.
1. M-Dogg 20 vs..
Model: 20020713czwdvd
CZW DVD July 13, 2002 "Deja Vu" - Philadelphia, PA
1. M-Dogg 20 vs Tony Stradlin
2. VD vs New School vs Irish Drinking Team vs Towel Boy & Hurricane Kid
3. Nick Gage & Nate Hatred vs Chri$ Ca$h & GQ
4. Doomsday Danny Rose vs Rainman
5. Ruckus vs Sunjay Dutt vs Derek Frazier
6. Nick..
Model: 20020810czwdvd
CZW DVD Aug. 10, 2002 "No Excuses" - Philadelphia, PA
This show has been re-mastered for DVD release, the show was shot with two cameras and includes commentary.
1. GQ & Chri$ Ca$h vs. Derek Frazier & Sonjay Dutt vs. Towel Boy & Hurricane Kid
2. Ruckus vs. Z-Barr
3. The Irish Drinkin..
Model: 20020831czwdvd
Combat Zone Wrestling DVD "Zandig's Ultraviolent Tournament of Death 1" August 31, 2002 Dover, DE
This 2 disc DVD contains the first ever CZW Tournament of Death, digitally re-edited along with a bonus match direct from the digital masters of the Cage of Death 2 which featured Lobo vs Zandig ..