Model: 00000002quackdvd
"Best of Lightning Mike Quackenbush" DVD
This DVD contains some of Mike's favorite matches from around the globe as it features matches from Germany, Mexico and the U.S.
1. Quack, Icarus & Gran Akuma vs The Wild Cards & Jigsaw (from JCW)
2. Quack vs Claudio Castagnoli (from WXW in Germany..
Model: 00000002pwudvd
PWU DVD "DEDICATED LINE" 1. Devon Moore vs. Grim Reefer vs. Arcadia - Jam Session #9
2. Detox vs. Aramis - Exit Sandman
3. Drew Blood vs. Devon Moore - Exit Sandman
4. Outcast Killaz vs. SAT vs. Briscoe Brothers vs. AMIL - Jam Session #10
5. Samoa Joe vs. Corporal Robinson - Super Jam Night 2
Model: 00000002mcwvhs
MCW - RAGE TV Episodes 3 & 4
Episode 3:
- Ronnie Zukko vs Marcus Jordan
- Adam Flash vs Billy Redwood
- Romeo Valentino vs 2-Dope
- Jerry "The King" Lawler vs The Bruiser
Episode 4:
- York & Matthews vs The Holy Rollers
- Chad Bowman vs Qenaan Creed
- The Bruiser vs Juli..
Model: 00000002mawvhs
Best of Mid American Wrestling Volume 2 1. Ian Rotten vs Rollin Hard 2. Dino Bambino vs Skullkrusker 3. Billy Joe Eaton vs Jason Kronan 4. Ian Rotten vs Mean Mitch Page 5. Corporal Robinson vs Dino Bambino 6. Street Fight Battle Royal 7. Ian Rotten vs Hardcore Craig - Exploding Barbed Wire ..
Model: 00000002iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - Best of Chris Hero 1. Hero vs Cash Flo (this is the classic previously unreleased 59 minute match) 2. Hero vs Ian Rotten vs Cash Flo 3. Hero vs Harry Palmer 4. Hero vs SABU 5. Hero vs "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker 6. Hero vs CM Punk 7. Hero vs American Kickboxer - Tables & Ladders ..
Model: 00000002ipwvhs
IPW - Power Hour TV Episodes 4 - 6 Episode 4: 1. Little Louie vs King Sleazy 2. Billy Reil vs The Sandman 3. Public Enemy vs Bad Crew - Tables Match Episode 5: 1. Hungarian Barbarian vs George Anthony 2. The Patriot & Johnny Graham vs Big Slam Vader & Redneck Billy Redwood 3. Crowbar vs The..
Model: 00000002fwavhs
FWA - FWA TV Episodes 6 - 10
Episode 6
Interview with Dan Moreland and his army High Voltage vs Soda Pop Ronnie Zukko w/ Candie
Saboth vs Marshal Law w/ Love Bug
Episode 7
Homicide vs Low-ki
Ric Blade vs Nick Berk
Episode 8
Bad Crew vs Hit Squad (dog collar chain match)
Family of Freaks..
Model: 00000002ewfvhs
EWF - TV Episodes 5 - 8
Episode 5:
1) George Anthony vs Pinky
2) Special Interview with Bad Crew
Episode 6:
1) Doomsday Danny Rose vs Dino Divine
2) Ric Blade vs Hoo Flung Poo
Episode 7:
1) The Butcher vs Hungarian Barbarian
2) Beauty & The Beast vs Zaackk Lee & Adam Tude
Model: 00000002cwfvhs
Episode 6: - Interview w/ Peter Van Orton - Interview w/ Eddie from the TV show Big Brother Episode 7: - Interview w/ The Flesheaters - Johnny Thundar vs Andrew Anderson - Guest Referee: Ace Darling Episode 8: - Interview w/ Johnny Thundar - Interview w/ Peter Van Orton Episode 9: - Judas ..
Model: 00000002apwvhs
1. Chris Cole vs. Jason Clay 2. Vic Grimes vs. Tony jones 3. Robert Thompson vs. Manny Fernandez 4. Vic Grimes vs. Jason Clay 5. Erin OGrady vs. Chris Cole 6. Erin OGrady vs. Donovan Morgan vs. Chris Cole 7. Erin OGrady vs. Michael Modest..
Model: 00000001tonyvhs
This tape features some of 2 Tuff Tonys best matches. Included on this tape is the incident were his artery was cut and matches against CM Punk, Necro Butcher and Mad Man Pondo. 1. Tables Match - 2 Tuff Tony vs. Mad Man Pondo 2. 4 Corners of Pain - 2 Tuff Tony vs. "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein 3. 2 ..
Model: 00000001skaydedvd
Skayde DVD Best of US Matches Vol. 1 1. Skayde vs. Milanito Collection AT - 2/5/05 2. Skayde & Equinox vs. Dr. Cheung & Darkness Crabtree - 6/17/05 3. Skayde vs. Oriental - 10/30/04 4. Skayde vs. Mike Quackenbush - 11/20/04 5. Skayde & Milanito Collection AT vs. Emil Sitoci & Trik Davis - 2/1..