Model: 20121231chikaradvd
1. Green Ant vs. Mike Quackenbush (1.28.12)
2. F.I.S.T. vs. 3.0 (3.24.12)
3. Archibald Peck vs. Chuck Taylor (3.25.12)
4. Brodie Lee vs. Eddie Kingston (3.25.12)
5. El Generico vs. Sara Del Rey (4.28.12)
6. Meiko Satomura vs. Sara Del Rey (5.20.12)
7. Eddie Kingston vs. J..
Model: 20130101dvlhdvd
In 2011, independent wrestlers Danny Havoc and Drake Younger achieved what had been a years-long dream for both of them, by traveling to Japan to compete for "Number One Mortal Kombat Promotion In The World," Big Japan Pro Wrestling. Per an agreement with DVLH, Havoc carried with him a flip-ca..
Model: 20130531primedvd
On November 9, 1997 in Montreal Quebec, Canada, pro wrestling changed forever when the infamous "Montreal Screwjob" took place. Bret Hart, days before leaving the WWF for rival WCW, refused to lose the WWF Title to Shawn Michaels at the event. As a result, a plan was concocted by Vince McMahon and a..
Model: 20130801smvdvd
When a company has been around as long as Combat Zone Wrestling there are bound to be stories of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. In July 2013 our cameras sat down with former wrestler and head trainer Jon Dahmer, former referee and booker/talent coordinator Derek Sabato, and current wre..
Model: 20130825bjwdvd
1. Glass Board & New Year Deathmatch: Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Shuji Ishikawa (1-2-2013)
2. YMCA Death Match: Shuji Ishikawa vs. Yuko Miyamoto (3-17-2013)
3. Lighttubes, Glass Board & Kenzan Death Match: Shuji Ishikawa vs. Ryuji Ito (5-5-2013)
4. BloodRayne Death Match: Shuji Ishi..
Model: 20130901iwadsdvd
Notice: Quality Varies on this dvd as it was not produced by SMV.
Witness some of the sickest, bloodiest, most violent matches in IWA-DS history. See the match, that got us kicked out of the Wetumpka Armory a year before the infamous “shut down” Death Match tournament. See the match between Brand..
Model: 20131201aiwdvd
This latest best of from AIW features and is hosted by Tim Donst.
1. Tim Donst/Pinkie Sanchez (BDK) VS. Sugar Dunkerton/Matt Classic (Throwbacks) (Jack Of All Trios)
2. Tim Donst VS. Colt Cabana (Gauntlet For The Gold 6)
3. Tim Donst VS. El Generico (Battle Bowl 20..
Model: 20131201ipwdvd
1. Jon Moxley vs. Billy Roc (Reign Of The Insane - 8/4/07)
2. Jon Moxley vs. Jake Crist (Hardcore Holiday - 12/1/07)
3. Jon Moxley vs. Vincent Nothing (Uprising - 4/5/08)
4. Jon Moxley vs. Dave Davidson (Reign Of The Insane - 8/2/08)
5. Dog Collar Match: Jon Moxley vs. Drake Younger (A..
Model: 20131231aawdvd
1. Davey Richards vs. Sami Callihan - 2-10-2013
2. Shane Hollister vs. Sami Callihan - 3-1-2013
3.- ACH vs. Kyle O'Reilly - 4-12-2013
4. Michael Elgin vs. Davey Richards - 4-12-2013
5.- MASADA vs. Michael Elgin - 4-27-2013
6. Zero Gravity & Kung Fu Manchu vs. Irish Airborne & Monster Ma..
Model: 20131231aiwdvd
1. ACH VS. Michael Elgin (2/8/13-Conspiracy Theory)
2. Athena vs. Kimber Lee (3/1/13-Girls Night Out 8)
3. #Nixon vs. Colin Delaney & Youthanazia (Josh Prohibition & Matt Cross) (4/26/13- Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta)
4. Adam Cole vs. Johnny Gargano (5/24/13- JT Lightning ..
Model: 20131231c4dvd
Disc One:
1. BLK Out (Joker & Sabian) vs. The Super Smash Brothers (1/19/08-Fallout)
2. Kenny the Bastard vs. Viking (3/8/08-Snowbrawl 2008)
3. Loser Wears a Dress: "Sweet n' Sour" Larry Sweeney vs. Twiggy (6/14/08-Crossing the Line)
4. El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. The Super Smash Broth..
Model: 20131231chikaradvd
1. Archibald Peck vs. Mr. Touchdown [2.9.13]
2. Hallowicked vs. Chuck Taylor [2.9.13]
3. The Young Bucks vs. 3.0 [2.10.13]
4. Mr. Touchdown vs. Saturyne [2.10.13]
5. Johnny Gargano vs. Gran Akuma [3.8.13]
6. 3.0 vs. The Devastation Corporation [3.8.13]
7. F.I.S.T...