Model: 20190309blpmp4
1. BLP Tag Team Championship Tournament First Round: Ethan Page & Kobe Durst vs. No New Friends (Danny Adams & Mike Outlaw) vs. Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins) vs. The Production (Derek Director & Eddy Only)
2. Rickey Shane Page vs. Swoggle
3. BLP Ta..
Model: 20190405blpmp4
1. BLP Championship Match, No Disqualifications: Ethan Page (c) vs. Kobe Durst
2. IWTV Championship Match: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Bryan Alverez
3. Sadkampf vs. Tank & Manny Fernandez
4. Nick Gage vs. Swoggle
5. Brian Zane's Million Dollar Battle Royal
6. Jake Parnell, Chris Dickinson, &..
Model: 20190420blpmp4
1. Marko Stunt vs. Logan Stunt
2. Allysin Kay vs. Maria Manic
3. Sadkampf vs. Workhorsemen
4. Anthony Greene vs. Gary Jay
5. BLP Indiana State Title Match: Logan James vs. AJ Gray vs. Jake Parnell vs. Bear Bronson
6. Joey Ryan vs. Allie Kat
7. Papa Shango vs. Danny Adams
8. Sadkampf vs. The B..
Model: 20190601blpmp4
1. Scramble Match: Aaron Williams vs. Logan James vs. Thomas Shire vs. Danhausen AD vs. Logan James vs. Danny Adams
2. Gary Jay vs. Ethan Page
3. Violence is Forever vs. FIST
4. Sage Philips & Logan Stunt vs. Cabana Man Dan & Boomer Hatfield
5. Bear Bronson vs. AJ Gray
6. Indiana State ..
Model: 20190727blpmp4
1. BLP Midwest Title Match: Warhorse vs. AJ Gray
2. Larry D vs. Jonathan Gresham
3. Logan Stunt vs. Jaxon Stone
4. Jordynne Grace vs. Swoggle
5. Tom Lawlor vs. Gary Jay
6. Work Horsemen vs. Violence is Forever
7. Trey Miguel vs. Brian Pillman Jr.
8. Allie Kat vs. Tenille Dashwood
9. Effy vs...
Model: 20190824blpmp4
1. Alex Zayne vs. Gary Jay
2. Harlow O'Hara vs. Jody Threat
3. Flip Flop and Flyball vs. Bear Country
4. Project MONIX vs. Aeroboy
5. Rey Horus vs. Black Taurus
6. Danhausen McScramble With Teeth: Manders vs. Isaias Velasquez vs. Graham Bell vs. Shawn Kemp vs. Johnathan Wolf vs. Danhausen
7. L..
Model: 20190830gcwmp4
1. Erick Stevens & "Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs. Violence Is Forever
2. Ethan Page vs. Homicide
3. Arez, Black Taurus & Gringo Loco vs. Laredo Kid, Ophidian & Rey Horus
4. Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Mance Warner
5. Doors, Ladders & Chairs: Alex Zayne vs. Blake Christian vs. ..
Model: 20190921blpmp4
TurboGraps16 Tournament, Block A
1. Warhorse vs. Lucky Kid
2. Ethan Page vs. Jody Fleisch
3. Wheeler Yuta vs. Carlos Romo
4. Allie Kat vs. Danny Adams
TurboGraps16 Tournament, Block B
5. Jeremy Wyatt vs. Tom Lawlor
6. Jake Something vs. Nick Gage
7. Gary Jay vs. Matthew Justice
8. Er..
Model: 20190922blpmp4
1. TurboGraps16 Semi Finals: Jake Something vs. Erick Stevens vs. Gary Jay vs. Tom Lawlor
2. TurboGraps16 Semi Finals: Warhorse vs. Danny Adams vs. Jody Fleisch vs. Carlos Romo
3. Bear Country vs. Violence Is Forever
4. Blake Christian vs. Alex Zayne
5. Ethan Page, Logan Stunt, Space Monkey..
Model: 20191116blpmp4
1. BLP Tag Team Titles Match: Ethan Page, Swoggle, & Danhausen vs. Blood Diamond & Joshua Bishop
2. Brett Ison vs. Tom Lawlor
3. #NoNewFreinds vs. Space Pirates
4. Isias Velaquez vs. Ren Narita
5. Billie Starkz vs. Kylie Rae
6. Logan James vs. Stephan Bonnar
7. Blake Christian vs. Air ..
Model: 20200118blpmp4
1. Alex Shelley vs. Isaias Velazquez
2. Violence is Forever(Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini) vs. Corn Beef (Manders and Big Beef)
3. For the BLP Midwest Championship: AJ Gray (c) vs. Hammerstone
4. Rocky Romero vs. Ophidian
5. For the IWTV Independent Championship: WARHORSE (c) vs. Kylie Rae
6. Jo..
Model: 20200229blpmp4
1. Violence is Forever (Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini) vs. Lee Moriarty and Wheeler YUTA
2. Ben Carter vs. Isaias Velazquez
3. Corn Beef (Manders and Big Beef) vs. Bear Country (Bear Boulder and Bear Bronson)
4. Ren Narita vs. Aaron Williams
5. For the Black Label Pro Championship: Erick Stevens ..