Model: 20201114icwnydvd
1. SHLAK vs. Meng
2. Eric Ryan vs. Dominic Garrini
3. Reed Bentley vs. Jimmy Lloyd
4. Atticus Cogar vs. Neil Diamond Cutter
5. Eddy Only vs. G-Raver
6. AKIRA vs. Alex Ocean
7. 60 Minute Iron Man Match: John Wayne Murdoch vs. Orin Veidt..
Model: 20201126iwamsdvd
1. Blake 182 vs. Dewey Wellington
2. Alice Crowley vs. Paige Jones
3. Tyler Stevens vs. Crash Jaxon
4. The Zodiak vs. Vincent Nothing
5. IWA Tag Team Titles Match: The Mamas Boiz vs. GK Fam
6. Un4seen Lola Perez vs. Kevin Giza
7. Four on Four Elimination Match: Team Moseley vs. Team ..
Model: 20201205iwadsdvd
1. Yapapi Strap Match: Lil Donnie vs. Jeff Hitman Hart
2. Sumo Contest: Ivan Jackinof vs. The Goon
3. Flaming Boards Match: "The Shithook Icon" Boriss Dukkee vs. Super America
4. 3-way Dance Clusterfuck Deathmatch: Mr. Krystal vs. Hardcore Hillbilly vs. Big James..
Model: 20201212icwnydvd
1. AKIRA vs. Aidan Blackhart
2. Daniel Garcia vs. Shane Mercer
3. Dominic Garrini vs. Gary Jay
4. Danny Demanto vs. Brandon Kirk
5. Christmas Tree Death Match: Neil Diamond Cutter vs. Jeff Cannonball
6. Satu Jinn vs. Reed Bentley
7. Alex Ocean vs. Casanova Valentine
8. Nolan Edward vs. John W..
Model: 20201219iwamsdvd
Tryout Show 12/17/20
1. Gaston LaRue vs. Cameron Saturn
2. Christian Pierce vs. Shorty P vs. B Rad
3. Jayce Karr vs. Cole Carter
4. Kellin Craven vs. Jacob Ratliff
5. Blake Steel vs. Anakin Murphy
6. Shean Christopher vs. Brayden Toon
7. Dewey Wellington vs. JC Rotten
Big Ass Chris..
Model: 20210109icwnydvd
1. Satu Jinn vs. Neil Diamond Cutter
2. Nolan Edward vs. Brandon Kirk
3. Lord Crewe vs. Alex Ocean
4. Atticus Cogar vs. Akira
5. Orin Veidt vs. Reed Bentley
6. Rickey Shane Page vs. SHLAK
7. Johny Wayne Murdoch vs. Shane Merce..
Model: 20210221f1rstdvd
Part 1:
1. Rylie Jackson vs. JDX
2. JAH-C vs. Kyle Pro vs. Kal Creed vs. Brandon Gore
3. Skye Blue vs. Billie Starkz
4. Gary Jay vs. Don't Die Miles
5. The Carver Of Cutters Alley vs. Devon Monroe
6. WARHORSE & The Besties In The World vs. Arik Cannon & Top Flight
Model: 20210227icwnydvd
1. Tony Deppen vs. Gary Jay
2. Satu Jinn vs. Ruben Steel
3. Justin Kyle vs. Bruce Santee
4. Brandon Kirk vs. AKIRA
5. Atticus Cogar vs. Nolan Edward
6. SHLAK vs. Reed Bentley
7. John Wayne Murdoch vs. Neil Diamond Cutter..
Model: 20210228icwnydvd
1. Nolan Edward vs. Tony Deppen
2. Gary Jay vs. Justin Kyle
3. AKIRA vs. Ruben Steel
4. SHLAK vs. Alex Ocean
5. Shane Mercer vs. Neil Diamond Cutter
6. Reed Bentley vs. Atticus Cogar
7. John Wayne Murdoch vs. Brandon Kirk..
Model: 20210228iwadsdvd
1. Women’s Slap Fight: Crystal Fire vs. Cousin Cherry
2. Slap Fight: JD Mayhem vs. Mr. Krystal
3. Slap Fight: Big James Mayhem vs. Freight Train
4. Slap Fight Championship: Hardcore Hillbilly vs. Jay Blade
5. No Rope Flaming Barbed Wire Match: Jeff “Hitman “ Hart vs..
Model: 20210306iwamsdvd
1. Damon Reel vs. Dex Royal vs. Damien Reel
2. Pompano Joe vs. Nick King vs. Blake 182 vs. Dewey Wellington vs. Sage Philips
3. Gnarls Garvin vs. Gary Jay
4. GK Fam & NERD 5th vs. Hollyhood Haley J, Alice Crowley, & Malia Hosaka
5. Blake Steel vs. Ace Perry
6. Banger's Brawl: JC Ro..
Model: 20210312pwtdvd
1. Knockout Only: Kongo Kong vs. Hoodfoot vs. Larry D
2. Dewey Wellington vs. Neil Diamond Cutter
3. No Shit Birds Scramble Match: Eric Dillinger vs. Alice Crowley vs. Percy Drews vs. Cole Radrick vs. Don't Die Miles vs. NERD the 5th
4. Aaron Williams vs. Marcus Mathers
5. Barbed Wire Brutality ..