Model: 20130309chikaradvd
1. Gavin Sings
2. Eddie Graves vs. Oliver Grimsley
3. Colony Xtreme Force vs. The Batiri
4. Jakob Hammermeier vs. Hallowicked
5. assailANT vs. Mr. Touchdown
6. Jigsaw & The Shard vs. Fire Ant & Mike Quackenbush
7. Tim Donst vs. Archibald Peck
8. F.I.S.T. & ..
Model: 20130406chikaradvd
1. Gavin Sings
2. Kobald vs. Saturyne
3. The Batiri vs. Devastation Corporation vs. The Throwbacks vs. UltraMantis Black & Blind Rage
4. Ophidian vs. Amasis
5. F.I.S.T. vs. 3.0, Gran Akuma & Marty Jannetty
6. Tim Donst vs. Archibald Peck
7. Colony Xtreme Force & Soldier..
Model: 20130503chikaradvd
1. The Batiri vs. The Colony & Los Ice Creams
2. Missile Assault Ant vs. Saturyne
3. Colony Xtreme Force vs. 3.0
4. The Shard vs. Amasis
5. Jigsaw vs. Archibald Peck
6. Mr. Touchdown vs. Chiva Kid
7. F.I.S.T. vs. Spectral Envoy
8. Green Ant vs. Eddie Kingston
Model: 20130504chikaradvd
1. Gavin Sings
2. Chuck Taylor vs. Shenron
3. Jigsaw & The Shard vs. Fire Ant & assailANT
4. Gran Akuma vs. Sugar Dunkerton
5. Kobald vs. Amasis
6. Colony Xtreme Force vs. Spectral Envoy & Green Ant
7. Tim Donst vs. Saturyne
8. Mr. Touchdown vs. Eddie Kin..
Model: 20130518chikaradvd
1. The Baltic Seige (Latvian Proud Oak & Estonian ThunderFrog) vs. The Young Bucks
2. The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & Frightmare) vs. Colony:Extreme Force (deviANT & Orbit Adventure Ant)
3. The Bravado Brothers vs. The Batiri (Obariyon & Kodama)
4. The Daywalkers (Alexandre..
Model: 20130519chikaradvd
1. Quarter Final Match 1
2. Quarter Final Match 2
3. Quarter Final Match 3
4. Quarter Final Match 4
5. Semi-Final Match 1
6. Icarus vs. Colt Cabana
7. Archibald Peck vs. Eddie Kingston
8. Finals..
Model: 20130602chikaradvd
1. Saturyne vs. Mr. Touchdown
2. Dasher Hatfield vs. Delirious
3. The Spectral Envoy vs. Colony: Xtreme Force
4. The Colony vs. Devastation Corporation
5. Hair vs. Hair Match: Tim Donst vs. Gavin Loudspeaker
6. 3.0 vs. Pieces of Hate
7. Sarcophagus Match: Amasis..
Model: 20131231chikaradvd
1. Archibald Peck vs. Mr. Touchdown [2.9.13]
2. Hallowicked vs. Chuck Taylor [2.9.13]
3. The Young Bucks vs. 3.0 [2.10.13]
4. Mr. Touchdown vs. Saturyne [2.10.13]
5. Johnny Gargano vs. Gran Akuma [3.8.13]
6. 3.0 vs. The Devastation Corporation [3.8.13]
7. F.I.S.T...
Model: 20140201npwddvd
1. 2 Out Of 3 Falls: Drew Gulak vs. Colt Cabana
2. The Polar baron's Bloc Party vs. The Baltic Seige
3. Mike Bennett vs. Hallowicked
4. Eddie Kingston vs. Dasher Hatfield
5. Sonjay Dutt vs. Eric Corvis
6. No DQ: Juan Francisco de Coronado vs. Shynron
7. Joe Pittman vs. Heidi Lovela..
Model: 20140525chikaradvd
1. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Nokken & Tursas) vs. Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Ultramantis Black)
2. "Smooth Sailing" Ashley Remington vs. Chuck Taylor
3. The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) vs. The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsley, Qefka the Quiet ..
Model: 20140620chikaradvd
1. Dasher Hatfield & Mr. Touchdown vs. Evan Gelistico & Gary the Barn Owl
2. Heidi Lovelace vs. Ophidian
3. Latvian Proud Oak & Lithuanian Snow Troll vs. Mr. Azerbaijan & Prakash Sabar
4. DeviANT vs. Worker Ant
5. Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin vs. Pieces of Hate
6. Estonian Thu..
Model: 20140621chikaradvd
1. Los Ice Creams vs. Old Fashioned (Jervis Cottonbelly & Marion Fontaine)
2. Jojo Bravo vs. Max Smashmaster
3. Blind Rage vs. Mat Fitchett
4. The Batiri vs. The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsley & Qefka the Quiet)
5. Billy Roc vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado
6. The Colony (Fire Ant & Silv..