Facebook: GloryPro2017/
Model: 20181111gpwdvd
1. Chase Holliday & JDX vs. Kyle Pro & Rylie Jackson
2. AJ Gray vs. Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Clayton Gainz vs. Kevin Ku
3. Brody King vs. Kevin Lee Davidson
4. Kobe Durst vs. Tyler Colton
5. Jake Something vs. Paco Gonzalez
6. Alpha Omega (Camaro Jackson & Kenny Alfonso) vs. ..
Model: 20181231gpwdvd
1. Curt Stallion vs. Jake Something vs. Paco (2/18/18 - One Year Anniversary)
2. AR Fox vs. Naito (2/18/18 - One Year Anniversary)
3. Hakim Zane vs. Jake Something (3/25/18 - Gateway to Glory)
4. Gary Jay vs. Jake Parnell (5/6/18 - Only the Strong Survive)
5. Ultimate Survival (5/6/18 - ..
Model: 20190106gpwdvd
1. Aaron Orion vs. Jake Parnell
2. Aaron Solow vs. Mike Outlaw
3. Craig Mitchell vs. Mark Wheeler vs. Orion Creed vs. Seishin
4. Barackus vs. Kobe Durst
5. AJ Gray vs. Jake Something
6. Eddie Kingston vs. Paco Gonzalez
7. Jake Lander vs. Joey Lynch vs. Shane Sabre
8. Glory Tag Team Championsh..
Model: 20190224gpwdvd
1. AJ Gray vs. Jake Parnell vs. Jake Something vs. O'Shay Edwards
2. Anthony Gutierrez vs. Tom Lawlor
3. Hakim Zane vs. Shane Sabre
4. Aaron Orion & Barackus vs. Alpha Omega (Camaro Jackson & Kenny Alfonso) vs. Halal Beefcake (Idris Abraham & Joe Coleman)
5. United Glory Tag ..
Model: 20190331gpwdvd
1. Jake Lander vs. Kody Lane vs. Kylie Rae vs. Paco Gonzalez vs. Stephen Wolf
2. Air Wolf & Angel Dorado vs. Alpha Omega (Camaro Jackson & Kenny Alfonso)
3. Joey Lynch vs. Kobe Durst
4. Aaron Orion, Barackus & Sophie King vs. Seishin & Space Pirates (Shane Sabre & Space ..
Model: 20190602gpwdvd
1. Championship vs. Championship: Space Pirates (Alpha-1 Tag Team Champions) vs. United (Glory Tag Team Champions)
2. Heart Of Shimmer Championship: Samantha Heights(c) vs. Shazza McKenzie
3. Freelance Wrestling Heavyweight Championship: Ethan Page(c) vs. Hakim Zane
4. A.J..
Model: 20190728gpwdvd
1. Billy Brash vs. Josh Bishop vs. Kody Lane vs. Mark Wheeler vs. Mike Outlaw vs. Steve Manders
2. Jake Something vs. Kobe Durst
3. Barackus vs. Tommy Vendetta
4. Gym Nasty Boyz (Timmy Lou Retton & White Mike) vs. Halal Beefcake (Idris Abraham & Joe Coleman) vs. Space Pirates (Shane..
Model: 20190922gpwdvd
1. Jody Fleisch vs. Myron Reed
2. Allie Kat vs. Cole Radrick
3. Angel Dorado vs. Carlos Romo vs. JDX vs. Josh Bishop
4. Ethan Price vs. Tommy Vendetta
5. D-Lo Brown vs. Jake Something
6. Air Wolf vs. Jake Lander
7. The Besties in the World vs. The Rock N' Roll Express
8. Myron R..
Model: 20191005gpwdvd
1. Barackus vs. Camaro Jackson vs. Gregory Iron vs. Mike Outlaw vs. P.B. Smooth vs. Reilly MaGuire
2. Hakim Zain vs. Seishin
3. Halal Beefcake (Idris Abraham & Joe Coleman) vs. The Riegel Twins (Logan & Sterling)
4. Matt Kenway vs. Steve Manders
5. United Glory Tag Team..
Model: 20191124gpwdvd
1. Kenny Alfonso vs. Mike Outlaw vs. Ricky Starks
2. Midwest Territory Championship: Hakim Zane vs. Myron Reed
3. Ethan Price vs. Paco Gonzalez
4. The Flip Bros (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado) vs. The Lowlifes (Joey O'Reilly & Jordan Perry) vs. Philly Marino Experience
5. Besties in th..
Model: 20191221gpwdvd
1. Dak Draper vs. Jake Lander vs. Mike Outlaw vs. Paco
2. Elayna Black vs. Laynie Luck vs. Seishin
3. Besties in the World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) vs. Flip Bros (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado)
4. Hakim Zane vs. PB Smooth
5. KLD vs. Rickey Shane Page
6. Old Fashioned Bunk House: ..
Model: 20200118gpwdvd
1. David Lee Memorial Tournament First Round: KLD vs. Everett Connors
2. David Lee Memorial Tournament First Round: Mike Outlaw vs. Air Wolf
3. David Lee Memorial Tournament First Round: Paco vs. Dan The Dad
4. David Lee Memorial Tournament First Round: Myron Reed vs. Jake Lander
5. United ..