Model: 20220718h2omp4
1. Troy Locke vs. Johnny Radex
2. Darien Hardway (w/Leroy Robinson) vs. Rocket (w/Cecilio Vega)
3. The Keepers Of The Gate (Duncan Aleem & Myke Quest) vs. Terra Calaway & Andy Brown
4. Ryan Radix vs. Dyln McKay vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Kit Osbourne vs. Marcus Mathers
5. H2O Championship: Colb..
Model: 20220815h2omp4
1. Austin Luke vs. Mike Bailey
2. Cecilio Vega vs. Leroy Robinson
3. Hybrid Championship Match: Adonis Valerio vs. Reid Walker vs. Chris Bradley vs. Deklan Grant
4. H2O Championship Match: Colby Corino vs. Marcus Mathers
5. Death Match: Lowlife Louie Ramos vs. Anthraxx
6. Death Match: Sawyer Wr..
Model: 20220829h2omp4
1. No Rope Barbed Wire Match: Matt Tremont and Lowlife Louie Ramos vs. Alex Stretch and Anthraxx
2. Duncan Aleem vs. Terra Calaway
3. Devantes vs. GG Everson
4. Hybrid Championship Match: Adonis Valerio vs. Kit Osbourne
5. Chris Bradley vs. Dan O'Hare
6. Rocket vs. Mike Bailey
7. H2O Tag Team ..
Model: 20220912h2omp4
1. Colby Corino's Cabinet
2. Jimmy Chondo Lyon vs. Otis Cogar
3. Riley Rose vs. Casey Carrington
4. Mouse vs. Deklan Grant
5. Hybrid Championship, Two Out Of Three Falls: Adonis Valerio vs. Reid Walker
6. Dog Collar Match: Terra Calaway vs. Myke Quest
7. York and Jordan Samson vs. Kristian Ros..
Model: 20221030h2omp4
1. Fans Bring The Weapons Match: Matt Tremont and Hoodfoot vs Kristian Ross and Chris Bradley
2. Rocket vs Marcus Mathers
3. No Holds Barred: Danny Demanto vs Deklan Grant
4. The Cogar Brothers (Atticus Cogar and Otis Cogar) vs The Rep (Dave McCall and Nate Carter)
5. Jimmy Chondo Lyon vs Casano..
Model: 20221031h2omp4
1. Tag Team Gauntlet
2. Jimmy Lloyd vs Marcus Mathers
3. Eric Martin and Reid Walker vs Kit Osbourne and Conor Claxton
4. President's End Game vs Team SHP
5. Death Match: Anthraxx and Alex Stretch vs Jeff Cannonball and Neil Diamond Cutter
6. H2O Championship Match: Austin Luke vs Manders
7. H..
Model: 20221124h2omp4
1. Full Metal Airstrike: Cecilio Vega vs Brian Neil vs Duncan Aleem vs Rocket
2. Home Run Derby Death Match: J.P. O'Reilly vs Kristian Ross
3. Death Match: Anthraxx vs GG Everson vs Kit Osbourne vs Mouse vs Terra Calaway
4. Death Match: Alex Stretch vs Jimmy Chondo Lyon
5. Light Tube Death Match..
Model: 20221226h2omp4
1. WTF vs Cannonball/Calaway/Duncan vs. Jimmy Lloyd/Sean Henderson/Ryan Radix
2. HYBRID Title: (c) G.G Everson vs. Tim Spriggs
3. Deklan Grant vs. Devantes
4. Austin Luke vs. Lucky 13
5. Danny Demanto vs. Marcus Mathers
6. Christmas Tree Deathmatch: anTHR..
Model: 20221231h2omp4
1. vs. Atticus Cogar -- No Rope Barbed Wire Match -- H2O: Barbwire City Showdown -- 2/20/22
2. vs. Joel Bateman -- 200 Lighttube Deathmatch -- H2O: Tremont's Science Behind the Violence -- 3/14/22
3. vs. Otis Cogar -- Deathmatch -- H2O: Bad Habits -- 3/25/22
Model: 20230121h2omp4
1. Brian Neil Open Challenge
2. Kaos Ctrl vs. Deklan Grant & Duncan Aleem
3. "Anything Goes" Shea McCoy vs. Terra Calaway
4. anTHRAXX vs. Alex Stretch
5. HYBRID Title: (c) G.G Everson vs. Ryan Redfield
6. President's End Game vs. T.J, Zak, Locke &..
Model: 20230121h2omp4
1. Frank Bonetti vs. Rocket
2. "President" Edward Hawkins vs. Johnny Radex
3. Zak vs. TJ Reno
4. Steven Fuerte & Tim Spriggs vs. G.G Everson & Ryan Redfield
5. Anything Goes: Leroy Robinson vs. Duncan Aleem vs. Cecilio Vega vs. Brian Neil
6. Chad ..
Model: 20230122h2omp4
1. Kennedi Copeland vs. Chris Bradley
2. H2O Tag Titles: (c) Red Dead Redemption vs. Kaos Ctrl
3. Jeff Cannonball vs. Ron Mathis
4. HYBRID Title: (c) G.G Everson vs. Bruce Grey vs. Tyler Voxx vs. Bam Sullivan vs. Mouse vs. Adonis Valerio
5. Kristian Ross vs. Jess ..