Model: 20020119iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - January 19, 2002 - Charlestown, IN
1. Corporal Robinson vs Garrett Marx
2. Ian Rotten vs Brad Bradley
3. Cash Flo vs Mean Mitch Page
4. Chris Hero w/ Nadia Nyce vs "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker w/ Dave Prazak
5. Necro Butcher vs Mad Man Pondo (this is Necros return to IWA....a wild a..
Model: 20020208iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - February 8, 2002 - Indianapolis, IN
This show was shot by SMV and includes commentary.
1. "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker vs Richard X
2. Necro Butcer vs Cash Flo
3. Brad Bradley vs Adrian Serrano
4. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs "Ice Pick" Vic Capri
5. Dysfunction vs Ace Steel
Model: 20020301iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - March 1, 2002 - Indianapolis, IN "Spring Heat"
This show was shot by SMV and includes commentary.
1. Hy-Zaya vs Cash Flo
2. Chuck E. Smooth vs Brad Bradley
3. Ace Steel vs "Ice Pick" Vic Capri w/ Sherri Martel
4. Chris Hero w/ Nadia Nyce vs "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker - Taped Fist ..
Model: 20020308iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - March 8, 2002 - Dayton, OH
1. Cuefa the Flyin Hawaiian vs Dysfunction
2. Brad Bradley vs Adrian Serrano
3. Ace Steel vs Vic Capri
4. Necro Butcher vs Corporal Robinson
5. Chris Hero w/ Nadia Nyce vs "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker w/ Dave Prazak
6. Ian & Axl Rotten vs Mean & H..
Model: 20020405iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - April 5, 2002 - Indianapolis, IN "April Bloodshowers 2002"
This show was shot by SMV and includes commentary.
1. Adrian Serrano vs Cuefa
2. "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker vs Dysfunction
3. 2 Tuff Tony vs "Spyder" Nate Webb
4. Adam Gooch vs Todd Morton
5. Ace Steel vs Vic Capri - 2 ou..
Model: 20020417iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - April 17, 2002 - Clarksville, IN
1. Cash Flo vs Richard X
2. Mad Man Pondo vs Rollin Hard
3. Todd Morton vs Corporal Robinson
4. Mean Mitch Page vs Necro Butcher - Barbed Wire Bat Match
5. Ian Rotten vs Cash Flo vs Chris Hero
6. 2 Tuff Tony vs "Spyder" Nate Webb - Thumbtack Mat..
Model: 20020419iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - April 19, 2002 - Dayton, OH
1. Adrian Serrano vs Cuefa
2. Chris Hero vs "Rugby Thug" Trent Baker - Loser Leaves for 90 Days
3. Vic Capri vs Ace Steel
4. Ian Rotten vs Dysfunction
5. Eddie Guerrero vs Colt Cabana vs CM Punk
6. Cash Flo & 2 Tuff Tony vs Mean & Hard..
Model: 20020501iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - May 1, 2002 - Clarksville, IN "Derby Madness"
1. Chris Hero vs Rollin Hard
2. Mean Mitch Page vs Ian Rotten
3. Colt Cabana vs Cash Flo
4. Nadia Nyce, Chris Hero & Ian Rotten vs Dave Prazak, Mean & Hard - 6 Person Mixed Tag Match
5. Necro Butcher vs "Spyder" Nate Webb vs ..
Model: 20020510iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - May 10, 2002 - Clarksville, IN
1. Rollin Hard vs 2 Tuff Tony
2. Tarek the Great vs Mean Mitch Page
3. CM Punk vs Ace Steel
4. Colt Cabana vs Todd Morton vs Chris Hero (finish of the match is cut off)
5. Ian Rotten vs Cash Flo
6. Mad Man Pondo & "Spyder" Nate Webb vs Corpora..
Model: 20020518iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - May 18, 2002 - Clarksville, IN
1. Vic Capri vs Mark Gottinger (from Harley Races school)
2. Dysfunction vs Todd Morton
3. Cash Flo vs Adrian Serrano
4. Matt Murphy vs Ace Steel vs CM Punk
5. Ian Rotten & Tarek the Great vs Mean & Hard
6. Mad Man Pondo vs Corporal Robins..
Model: 20020525iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - May 25, 2002 - Clarksville, IN
1. "Spyder" Nate Webb vs Mean Mitch Page
2. Rollin Hard vs Adam Gooch
3. Lacey vs Rain
4. Tarek the Great vs Adrian Serrano
5. Ian Rotten vs Dysfunction
6. Necro Butcher vs Mad Man Pondo - 4 Corners of Pain Death Match..
Model: 20020614iwamsvhs
IWA Mid-South - June 14, 2002 - Indianapolis, IN
This show was shot by SMV and includes commentary.
1. Jayden Draigo vs Adam Gooch
2. Tarek the Great vs Rollin Hard
3. Tracy Smothers vs Mark Gotticker
4. Ace Steel vs Matt Murphy (great match)
5. Chris Hero vs "Spyder" Nate Webb (Hero gives Web..