1. Lancelot vs. Triple Dragon
2. Prescription Thugs vs. The Colony
3. Crossbones vs. Andy Sumner
4. Cheech & Cloudy vs. Eddie Kingston & Joker
5. Rorschach vs. Hallowicked
6. Ares vs. Mike Quackenbush
7. Team F.I.S.T. vs. Shane Storm & Jigsaw
8. Larry Sweeney vs. Milano Collection AT
Chikara DVD Feb. 25, 2006 "Tag World Grand Prix 2006 Night 2" - Reading, PA
Chikaras annual 32 team tag tournament takes place over the course of 3 n..
Chikara DVD Feb. 25, 2006 "Tag World Grand Prix 2006 Night 2" - Reading, PA
Chikaras annual 32 team tag tournament takes place over the course of 3 n..
Chikara DVD Feb. 25, 2006 "Tag World Grand Prix 2006 Night 2" - Reading, PA
Chikaras annual 32 team tag tournament takes place over the course of 3 n..