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Model: 20090213icwmp4
1. Brian Skyline vs. Billy Goates
2. Blazing Benjamin vs. Jayson Cash
3. The Jackal, TWIII, Bobby V, Trevor Gibbson, & Juice Robinson vs. Mase Morgan, Chris Black, Dave Demone, Jason Riley, & Heath Hendrick
4. Silas Young vs. Dr.X
5. Justin Dredd vs. T..
Model: 20101119icwmp4
1. Tai-pei & Sand Paper Fists & Barbed Wire Boards: TWIII vs. Scotty Vortekz
2. Fans Bring The Weapons: Yabo The Clown vs. Dysfunction
3. Barbed Wire Ladders & Chairs: Justin Dredd vs. Bobby Valentino
4. Christmas Carnage: Chase McCoy vs. Scotty Demarc
5. Thum..
Model: 20120210icwmp4
ICW February 10, 2012 - Milwaukee, WI (Download)
1. Hater Tomaselli & Gust vs. Super Cowboys vs. Ken Kato & Masters vs. 2 Dudes, 1 Stache
2. Matt Winchester vs. Juan Hernandez
3. Lamar Titan & Isaias Velazquez vs. Xavier Mustafa & Troy Walters
4. Mr 450 Hammett vs. Justin Dredd
Model: 20120323icwmp4
1. Venom Walker vs. Bobby V
2. Jaysin Masters vs. Ares Tortetta
3. Nathan Gust vs. Juan Hernandez vs. Tyler Baggins vs. Troy Walters
4. Matt Winchester vs. Super Mario
5. Inkjet Express vs. 2 Dudes, 1 Stache
6. Xavier Mustafa vs. Hater Thomaselli
7. U.A.T. vs. Marty Jannetty &..
Model: 20120420icwmp4
ICW April 20, 2012 "The 420 Classic" Milwaukee, WI (Download)
1. Tag Gauntlet Match
2. Mario Crivello vs. Shooter Scott
3. Chase McCoy vs. Justin Dredd
4. Yabo the Clown vs. Markus Crane
5. 50 Man Battle Royal
6. 3 Bra & Panties Matches Featuring the ICW Girls..
Model: 20120527icwmp4
ICW May 27, 2012 - Milwaukee, WI (Download)
1. Ken Kato vs. Shawn Priest
2. Tyler Jackson vs. Juan Hernandez
3. Urban Assault Team vs. Justin Dredd & Ares Toretto vs. Inkjet Express
4. Chuck Smooth vs. Nathan Gust
5. Zero Gravity vs. 2 Dudes, 1 Stache
6. Mario Andrew Crivello vs. Chase McC..
Model: 20120722icwmp4
1. Urban Assault Team vs. Inkjet Express vs. Justin Dredd & Ares Toretto
2. TC Washington vs. The Ninja
3. Nathan Gust vs. Juan Hernandez
4. Colin Cambridge vs. Bobby V
5. "Mr. 450" Hammett vs. Xavier Mustafa
6. Ken Kato vs. Isaias Velazquez
7. Contender's Battle Royal
8. Chase McCoy vs. ..
Model: 20121116icwmp4
1. Johnathan Smash vs. Shaun Priest
2. Colin Cambridge vs. Freek vs. Ares Toretta
3. Juan Hernandez & The Ninja vs. TW3 & Ken Kato
4. Moe Lester vs. Shonda Boomer
5. Mr. 450 Hammett vs. Pornstache
6. Justin Dredd vs. Joey Avalon
7. Nathan Gust vs. Dysfunction
Model: 20130201icwmp4
1. Esteban Martinez vs. Shadowcaster
2. 1st Blood Match: Ken Kato vs. Tyler Baggins
3. Urban Assault Team vs. 2 Dudes, 1 Mexican
4. Joey Avalon vs. Shawn Priest
5. Troy Walters vs. Bobby V
6. Thumbtack Match: Nathan Gust vs. Dysfunction
7. Justin Dredd vs. Xavier Mustafa
8. Fans are the Lumbe..
Model: 20140131icwmp4
1. Brock Hall, Shonda Boomer & Tyler Jackson vs. The Skull Family
2. ICW Heavyweight Championship #1 Contendership: Pornstache vs. Silas Young
3. Jason Dukes vs. Ken Kato
4. Marcus Reece vs. Seth Gambino
5. ICW Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership: The Lumberboys vs. Team Dick Smash
6. IC..
Model: 20140223icwmp4
1. "Pornstache" Peter Schwanz vs. Ruthy Rutherford
2. Don Gotti vs. Seth Gambino
3. Bobby V vs. Brock Hall vs. Shaun Priest vs. Tyler Jackson
4. ICW Tag Team Championship: DysGusting(c) (Dysfunction & Nathan Gust) vs. Team DickSmash (Devan Dahmer & Johnny Smash)
5. ICW MidWest Championsh..
Model: 20140328icwmp4
1. Rex Ritchie vs. Stacy Shadows
2. Bobby V vs. Troy Walters
3. Brock Hall & Ruthy Rutherford vs. Mario Andrew Crivello & Pornstache
4. Midwest #1 Contenders Gauntlet: Don Gotti vs. Jarrod Jaxx vs. Mase Morgan vs. Seth Gambino vs. Tyler Jackson
5. ICW Tag Team Championship: Dysfunction(c..