This is a two night invitational tournament that MPW recently held. This show features Sumie Sakai, Chris Hero, Arik Cannonn, Ken Anderson, Skayde(The Head Toryumon Trainer)and several Chikara superstars. Cost of this two tape set is $30.
The MPW Invitational : Night 1 - Saturday, September 20th
1. Joessiah w/ Weird Cookie vs. Brady A. Dezire
2. "Kamikaze" Ken Anderson vs. El Viejo
3. Casanova vs. Chris Hero
4. "The King Of Diamonds" Eddie Kingston & Sitoci vs. "The Midwest Shockers"("The Future" Joey E. & "Kaos" Cody ONeill) vs. Team F.I.S.T.(Icarus & Gran Akuma)
5. Dark Phoenix w/ Weird Cookie vs. Pretty Boy Delgado
6. Sumie Sakai vs. Ran Maru(Representing the womens Jd Promotion In Japan)
7. Shawn Daivari vs. The American Gigolo(Representing the AAA Promotion in Mexico)
8. The Anarchist Arik Cannon vs. Skayde(The Head Toryumon Trainer)
The MPW Invitational : Night 2 - Sunday, September 21st
1. "The King Of Diamonds" Eddie Kingston vs. Sitoci
2. Trik Davis vs. Brady A. Dezire
3. The Anarchist Arik Cannon vs. Chris Hero
4. Shawn Daivari & Gran Akuma w/ Icarus vs. "The Midwest Shockers"("The Future" Joey E. & "Kaos" Cody ONeill)
5. "Kamikaze" Ken Anderson vs. Pretty Boy Delgado
6. The American Gigolo & Ran Maru vs. Skayde & Sumie Sakai
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: 20030921mpwvhs
- Weight: 1.00lb