Model: 20120824bjwmp4
1. Fluoroscent Lighttubes & Ladder Death Match (1-30-2011): Brahman Bros. vs. Jaki Numazawa & Jun Kasai
2. Fluoroscent Lighttubes, Ladder & Free Weapons Death Match (2-12-2011): Brahman Bros. vs. Jaki Numazawa & Jun Kasai
3. Brahman Bros. vs. MASADA & Ryuji Ito (10-30..
Model: 20121029bjwmp4
1. Three-Dimensional Scaffold Match (3-14-2007): Yuko Miyamoto vs. Takashi Sasaki
2. Moonlight Darkness Florescent Board Match (3-24-2008): Yuko Miyamoto vs. Shadow WX
3. Three-Dimensonal Construction Site Scaffold Match (7-12-2009): Yuko Miyamoto vs. Takeda Seishi
4. F..
Model: 20121230acwmp4
1. 8-22-10: ACH vs. Robert Evans
2. 10-10-10: ACH vs. Akira Tozawa
3. 1-15-11: ACH vs. Gregory Symonds
4. 2-25-11: ACH & Akira Tozawa vs. Gary Jay & Davey Vega
5. 3-18-11: ACH & Tozawa vs. Gary Jay & Davey Vega vs. Masada & Scot Summers vs. Th..
Model: 20121231iwcmp4
1. Steel Cage: Jimmy DeMarco vs. John McChesney (Pure Talent - 1/27)
2. Facade vs. Logan Shulo (Combat in Clearfield 3 - 3/3)
3. Street Fight: Facade & Logan Shulo vs. Gory & Jimmy DeMarco (Mountain State Madness 2-5/20)
4. Super Indy Semi-Final: Chuck Taylor vs. Sami Callihan (Super Indy..
Model: 20130101dvlhmp4
In 2011, independent wrestlers Danny Havoc and Drake Younger achieved what had been a years-long dream for both of them, by traveling to Japan to compete for "Number One Mortal Kombat Promotion In The World," Big Japan Pro Wrestling. Per an agreement with DVLH, Havoc carried with him a flip-ca..
Model: 20130301dvlhmp4
In Feb. 2013, famed party trio and occasional professional wrestlers, the Nation of Intoxication, flew out to Wisconsin under the pretense of filming an extensive series of interviews about indy wrestling and sleaze.
What actually transpired (to the surprise of no one) w..
Model: 20130801smvmp4
When a company has been around as long as Combat Zone Wrestling there are bound to be stories of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. In July 2013 our cameras sat down with former wrestler and head trainer Jon Dahmer, former referee and booker/talent coordinator Derek Sabato, and current wre..
Model: 20130825bjwmp4
1. Glass Board & New Year Deathmatch: Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Shuji Ishikawa (1-2-2013)
2. YMCA Death Match: Shuji Ishikawa vs. Yuko Miyamoto (3-17-2013)
3. Lighttubes, Glass Board & Kenzan Death Match: Shuji Ishikawa vs. Ryuji Ito (5-5-2013)
4. BloodRayne Death Match: Shuji Ishi..
Model: 20131031aiwmp4
This latest best of from AIW features and is hosted by Veda Scott.
1. Veda Scott vs. Cherry Bomb (GNO4)
2. Veda Scott vs. Kimber Lee (GNO5)
3. Veda Scott vs. Sara Del Rey (GNO6)
4. Veda Scott vs. Courtney Rush (GNO7)
5. Veda Scott vs. Mia Yim (Point Break)
6. Veda Scott..
Model: 20131201aiwmp4
This latest best of from AIW features and is hosted by Tim Donst.
1. Tim Donst/Pinkie Sanchez (BDK) VS. Sugar Dunkerton/Matt Classic (Throwbacks) (Jack Of All Trios)
2. Tim Donst VS. Colt Cabana (Gauntlet For The Gold 6)
3. Tim Donst VS. El Generico (Battle Bowl ..
Model: 20131201ipwmp4
1. Jon Moxley vs. Billy Roc (Reign Of The Insane - 8/4/07)
2. Jon Moxley vs. Jake Crist (Hardcore Holiday - 12/1/07)
3. Jon Moxley vs. Vincent Nothing (Uprising - 4/5/08)
4. Jon Moxley vs. Dave Davidson (Reign Of The Insane - 8/2/08)
5. Dog Collar Match: Jon Moxley vs. Drake Younger (A..
Model: 20131215iwcmp4
1. Dalton Castle vs. Colt Cabana (Night of the Superstars - 11/19/11)
2. Dalton Castle vs. Sami Callihan (Winner Takes All '11 - 12/10/11)
3. Dalton Castle vs. Ray Rowe (Caged Fury '12 - 8/25/12)
4. Dalton Castle vs. Chuck Taylor (Winner Takes All '12 - 12/15/12)
5. Dalton Castle vs. Bobby Fish ..