Model: 20060708iwsdvd
IWS DVD July 8, 2006 "Breakout" - Montreal, Canada
1. Bloodstream
2. Hardcore Ninjaz vs. Above Standards
3. Player Uno vs. Kenny The Bastard
4. Green Phantom vs. The Prophet
5. Lufisto vs. Dru Onyx
6. Gauntlet Match: Max Boyer vs. SLI-USA
7. Jake Matthews vs. Beef Wellington
8. Porn Star Jua..
Model: 20060708iwsvhs
IWS July 8, 2006 "Breakout" - Montreal, Canada
1. Hardcore Ninjaz vs. Above Standards
2. Player Uno vs. Kenny The Bastard
3. Green Phantom vs. The Prophet
4. Lufisto vs. Dru Onyx
5. Gauntlet Match: Max Boyer vs. SLI-USA
6. Jake Matthews vs. Beef Wellington
7. Porn Star Juan & Twiggy vs. K..
Model: 20060729iwsdvd
IWS DVD July 29, 2006 "Summer Slaughter 2006" - Montreal, Canada
1. Viking vs. Above Standards
2. Twiggy & Porn Star Juan vs. Green Phantom vs. Cloudy
3. Player Uno vs. Jagged vs. Larry Sweeney
4. Shayne Hawke vs. Jagger W. Bush vs. Fred la Merveille
5. Beef Wellington vs. Dan Paysan vs. Ji..
Model: 20060729iwsvhs
IWS July 29, 2006 "Summer Slaughter 2006" - Montreal, Canada
1. Viking vs. Above Standards
2. Twiggy & Porn Star Juan vs. Green Phantom vs. Cloudy
3. Player Uno vs. Jagged vs. Larry Sweeney
4. Shayne Hawke vs. Jagger W. Bush vs. Fred la Merveille
5. Beef Wellington vs. Dan Paysan vs. Jimmy ..
Model: 20060826iwsdvd
IWS DVD Aug. 26, 2006 "Hardcore Heat 2006" - Montreal, Canada
1. El Generico vs. Max Boyer
2. Kid Kamikaze vs. Stupefied
3. SLI-USA/Team Boyer vs. Don Paysan & Rock Nï¾ Cock Express
4. Jake Matthews vs. Player Uno
5. Jagged vs. Jimmy Stone
6. Missionaries Of Violence (Sexxxy Eddy & Lu..
Model: 20060930iwsdvd
IWS DVD Sept. 30, 2006 "Blood Sweat & Beers 2006" - Montreal, Canada
1. Sexxxy Eddy & Lufisto vs. Lionel Knight & Christopher Bishop
2. Eric Lauze vs. Vanessa Kraven
3. Kid Kamikaze vs. Shayne Hawke
4. Fred La Merveille vs. Stupefied
5. Rock-n-Cock Express vs. Jake Matthews
6. Beef..
Model: 20061104iwsdvd
IWS DVD Nov. 4, 2006 "Born To Bleed 2006" - Montreal, Canada
1. Up In Smoke vs. Checkmate
2. Player Uno vs. Jimmy Stone vs. Stupefied vs. Shayne Hawke
3. Above Standards vs. Rock-N-Cock Express
4. Fred La Merveille vs. El Generico
5. 2 Out 3 Falls - Beef Wellington vs. Exess
6. Flaming Tables ..
Model: 20061202iwsdvd
IWS DVD Dec. 2, 2006 "Seasonï¾s Beatings 2006" - Montreal, Canada
1. Shayne Hawke & Jimmy Stone vs. Player Uno & Stupefied
2. Exess vs. Sofirios
3. Franky The Mobster vs. Vanessa Kraven
4. Above Standards vs. Rock-N-Cock Express
5. Jake Matthews vs. SeXXXy Eddy
6. Dan Paysan vs. Jagge..
Model: 20070120iwsdvd
IWS DVD Jan. 20, 2007 "Praise The Violence 2007" - Montreal, Canada
1. Hardcore Ninjaz vs. Cheech & Cloudy
2. Exess vs. Eric Doucet
3. Exess vs. Amazing Darkstone
4. Kid Kamikaze vs. El Generico vs. Jagged
5. Shayne Hawke vs. Fred La Merveille
6. Checkmate vs. Super Smash Brothers vs. The ..
Model: 20070217iwsdvd
IWS DVD Feb. 17, 2007 "Violent Valentine" - Montreal, Canada
1. Dan Paysan vs. Stupefied
2. Hi-5 vs. Hardcore Ninjaz
3. Exess vs. Stefany
4. Fred la Merveille & Kenny The Bastard vs. Shayne Hawke & Above Standards
5. SeXXXy Eddy vs. PCO
6. The Green Phantom vs. Rock-n-Cock Express
7. ..
Model: 20070324iwsdvd
IWS DVD "2007 Un F'N Sanctioned" March 24, 2007 - Montreal, Canada
1. Shane Matthews vs. Jagged
2. Dan Paysan vs. Rock-n-Cock Express vs. Kenny the Bastard vs. Justin White vs. Vanessa Kraven
3. Shayne Hawke vs. Fred La Merveille
4. Viking vs. Exess
5. Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match - Hi-5 vs. Christ..
Model: 20070428iwsdvd
IWS DVD "Know Your Enemies 2007" - April 28, 2007 - Montreal, Canada
1. Shayne Hawke vs. Kenny The Bastard
2. Rock-n-Cock Express vs. HI-5
3. Exess vs. Justin White
4. Shane Matthews vs. Fred la Merveille
5. Green Oil Two: Electric Boogaloo vs. Super Smash Brothers vs. Hardcore Ninjaz..