Model: 20080719iwsdvd
IWS DVD July 19, 2008 "Summer Slaughter 2008" - Montreal, Canada
1. Samson vs. Vanessa Kraven
2. "Superstar" Shayne Hawke vs. Twiggy
3. The Untouchables vs. Cheech & Cloudy
4. Exess vs. Vin Gerard
5. "Paranoid" Jake Matthews vs. Stupefied
6. "Mr.Wrestling" Kevin Steen & 2.0..
Model: 20080823iwsdvd
IWS DVD August 23, 2008 "Hardcore Heat 2008" - Laval, Canada
1. Super Smash Brothers vs. The Untouchables
2. Vanessa Kraven vs. Lufisto
3. 2.0 vs. Sexxxy Eddy & Hardcore Ninja
4. Exess vs. "Paranoid" Jake Matthews
5. Twiggy & El Generico vs. Up In Smoke
6. "Superstar" Sha..
Model: 20080927iwsdvd
IWS DVD September 27, 2008 "Un F'n Sanctioned 2008" - Montreal, Canada
1. "Superstar" Shayne Hawke vs. Exess
2. 2.0 vs. Maritimes Express
3. Twiggy vs. Franky The Mobster
4. Joey Mercury vs. "Mr.Wrestling" Kevin Steen
5. TLC Match: Up In Smoke vs. The Untouchables vs. Super Smash Brot..
Model: 20081101iwsdvd
IWS DVD November 1, 2008 "Blood, Sweat & Beers 2008" - Montreal, Canada
1. Up In Smoke vs. 2.0
2. "Heavy" Maxx Fury vs. Lionel Knight vs. Christopher Bishop
3. Shayne Hawke vs. Brodie Lee
4. The Green Phantom vs. Sexxxy Eddy and the Evil Ninja
5. Exess Challenge
6. The Untoucha..
Model: 20090110iwsdvd
IWS DVD January 10, 2009 "Seasons Beatings 2009" - Montreal, Canada
1. Franky The Mobster vs. Twiggy
2. 2.0 vs. Mike Bailey & Brian Kirkland
3. The Green Phantom vs. "Big Rig" Brodie Lee
4. Up In Smoke vs. The Untouchables
5. Player Uno vs. Evil Ninja
6. Stupefied vs. Shayne Ha..
Model: 20090530iwsdvd
IWS DVD May 30, 2009 "X The Anniversary" - Montreal, Canada
1. Careers vs. Titles match: The Untouchables vs. 2.0
2. IWS Vetern Battle Royal
3. "Superstar" Shayne Hawke vs. Twiggy
4. MMA Match: "Heavy" Maxx Fury vs. Exess
5. Beef Wellington vs. Franky The Mobster vs. Sexxxy Eddy
Model: 20140510iwsdvd
1. Jaka vs. "Speedball" Mike Bailey vs. Pinkie Sanchez
2. Beef Wellington & Scott Parker vs. Latino Connection
3. Alex Silva vs. Alextreme
4. The AfterParty & Jae Rukin vs. Shynron & Super Smash Brothers
5. IWS Canadian hampionship: Eddy Erdogan vs. Excess vs. Shayne Hawke vs. Vaness..
Model: 20140823iwsdvd
1. Superstar Shayne Hawke vs. Pinkie Sanchez
2. Tabarnak De Team vs. Team Tremendous
3. Addy Starr vs. JAKA
4. The AfterParty vs. Beef Wellington & 3.0
5. Matt Novak vs. Braden O'Connor vs. Adam Sky vs. Liam Letto
6. Volkano vs. Eddy Erdogan
7. MMA Rules: Black Dynamite vs. The W..
Model: 20140920iwsdvd
1. Eddie Erdogan vs. Jae Rukin vs. Liam Letto vs. Pinkie Sanchez
2. Los Latinos (Latino Kid & Latino Mysterio) vs. Tabarnak de Team
3. Exess vs. Volkano
4. The AfterParty (Cecil Nyx & Chaz Lovely) vs. Generation Kill (Branden O'Connor & Matt Novak) vs. Heavy Metal Chaos (Alextrem..
Model: 20141115iwsmdvd
1. Super Smash Brothers vs. Tabarnak de Team
2. Exess vs. Liam Letto
3. Buxx Belmar vs. Volkano
4. The AfterParty vs. Generation Kill
5. Handicapped match: Black Dynamite vs. Latino Connection
6. IWS Canadian Championship: Eddy Erdogan vs. Shayne Hawke
7. IWS Championship: ..
Model: 20150328iwsdvd
1. The Latino Connection vs. 3.0
2. Black Dynomite vs. eXceSS
3. Generation Kill (Branden O'Connor & Matt Novak) vs. Heavy Metal Chaos (Alextreme & James Stone) vs. Liam Letto & Volkano vs. Tabarnak de Team
4. IWS Canadian Championship: Fred la Merveille vs. Michael Style vs..
Model: 20150905iwsdvd
1. IWS Canadian Championship: Chris Dickinson(c) vs. Excess
2. Evan Adams vs. Shayne Hawke
3. Green Phantom & Vampiro vs. Latino Connection vs. Los Cartel
4. Super Smash Brothers vs. Tabarnak de Team
5. Black Dynomite vs. Sexxxy Eddy
6. IWS Heavyweight Championship: Jack..