Unsanctioned Pro Blu-ray/DVD September 26, 2020 "Unsanctioned 9: Indiana Vacation" - Sellersburg, IN
- Cole Radrick vs. Gnarls Garvin
- Adam Slade vs. Sage Phillips
- Bradley Prescott IV vs. PB Smooth
- Lexus Montez vs. Lee Moriarty
- Nolan Edward vs. Logan Stunt
- O'Shay Edwards vs. Lord Crewe
- Calvin Tankman vs. Shane Mercer
- Alex Colon vs. Devon Moore
- Unsanctioned Pro Tag Team Title Match: Awesome Oddysey (Chris Copeland and Jack Andrews) and Myron Reed vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley) and Tre Lamar
- Unsanctioned Pro Heavyweight Title Match: Everett Cross vs. Dominic Garrini
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: 20200926upwdvd
- Weight: 0.30lb