This is the complete Chris Candido Shoot Interview, in MP3 audio form.
"No Gimmicks Needed" Chris Candido first talks about how he became perhaps the youngest person ever to enter the wrestling ring. He discusses his early days working in the New Jersey indy scene and his influences. He tells how he met Tammy (Sunny) and what their relationship has been like through the years. He gives his thoughts and stories on all the companies he has worked for including Smoky Mountain, WWF, WCW, ECW, All Japan, XPW, FMW, NWA and others. What did Candido think about the Bodydonna gimmick in the WWF? Chris gives his honest opinion about all the top names he has encountered including Jim Cornette, Paul E. Dangerously, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sabu, Taz, Rock-n-Roll Express, Shane Douglas, Brian Hildebrand (Mark Curtis), Balls Mahoney, Tom Pritchard, Brian Pillman, Terry Funk, Brian Lee, Eddie Gilbert, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Louie Spiccoli, Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart, Dennis Coralluzzo, Lance Storm and so many, many more. He then discusses drug use in the business, including steroids and how it's affected his life. Chris opens up and gives you his true thoughts and views on the wrestling business.
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- Model: 2001chriscandidomp3